Ann Hart
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“An artist's journey.......
My migration to Cape Cod in 1976, after graduation from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Early Childhood Ed, led me to a life in the arts. Working at Soft Antiques, helping to produce Sharyn Prentiss-Laughton’s line of home accessories made from vintage fabrics, started me indirectly on the way to 10 years as a potter, traveling to wholesale and retail shows, filling orders and shipping work all over the country. I was a partner in Peacock’s Pride Art Gallery in Orleans when the painters involved there expanded the group to include crafts as well as paintings. When economic reality required my getting a ‘real’ job, I worked for the next 13 years at Orleans Camera, acquiring photographic and computer skills as the digital age arrived. All that time, no matter what I was doing, the thread of painting was never lost. In 2001, my husband David Dennis and I bought a sea captain’s house in South Dennis, and so began The Shady Hollow Inn, a vegetarian B&B that we started and operated while we restored the historic property. There were many creative opportunities as an innkeeper/interior designer/chef. I was able to take advantage of the seasonal nature of the hospitality business to get serious about painting and dedicate myself to becoming a better watercolorist. The inn became a gallery as I hung my work in every room and sold cards and prints to our guests, many of whom purchased original paintings as well. Now, our inn-keeping life has drawn to a close, and at long last painting can take top priority (except for being a carpenter’s helper as David and I build a house — with a studio!!). I have been exhibiting in local shows for the last two years with considerable success and am grateful for the chance I have to do what I love — to paint, paint, and paint some more! I look forward to taking more workshops with talented and giving artists and expanding my field of participation in exhibits and competition. Unleashed Joy, has been chosen for publication as an addition to the fine art card line of the Bayview Press, a happy development as I explore the possibilities for my work.” Vertical Divider