Jo Ellen Reinhardt
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Jo Ellen Reinhardt’s work has been shown in many prestigious museums, galleries, and exhibitions throughout the North East. Although best known for still life paintings, she also enjoys painting genres such as plein air landscape, figurative, and portrait.
Jo Ellen credits her classical education to Dana Levin, whom she studied under at the New School of Classical Art. She holds a bachelors degree in fine art. Jo Ellen is a signature member of the renowned Pennsylvania Watercolor Society and an Associate Member of Oil Painters of America. In 2010 she was awarded a grant through the Worcester Cultural Commission in support of her upcoming show Connecting to the Past. Most recently she was presented the Graphic Artist Honors Award for her work entitled “Gina” from the Academic Artists Association at their 60th National Exhibition of Contemporary Realism. Jo Ellen currently paints and teaches out of her Massachusetts studio, the Atelier at the Sprinkler Factory. She is an Adjunct Professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, WPI, and instructor at the Worcester Art Museum. Selected Exhibitions
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